Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Trey's First Day of School

Trey's first day of school was so sad. I couldn't believe that I have a child in school already. YIKES!!! He was so excited for his first day. I thought I might have a hard time getting him to stay in class, but I got there we found his class room and his desk Trey looked up at me and said ok Mom you can go now. I almost teared up and I said are you sure your ok I can stay a few minutes longer, but he replied no I am big now and can stay and there aren't any other moms here. I gave him a big hug and kiss and told him to be good and see ya in a couple hours. Masen on the hand had a hard time leaving his big brother at school. Masen thought he was going to be big and stay too. The only way that I was getting him to leave his brother was I told him that we would go find his 3 cousins that go to the same school, Logan, Jace and Maddie. So on the way out the door we seen Logan and Jace walking down the hall and he said Hi. Then we went to Maddie's class room and Masen was ok to leave after we said Hi to everyone.


rouskafamily said...

He is so cute and you have to be so proud, Kindergarten is such a big step for these little guys and for him to be so confident is awesome, he is a great kid.